20 September 2024

The Institute of Financial Studies announces with regret the passing of Prof. Univ. Dr. hc. Gheorghe Zaman, member of the ISF Scientific Council. Mr. Zaman held a PhD in Economics, was a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy,  university professor, director of the Institute of National Economy of the Romanian Academy, PhD supervisor, and director of the Department of Economic, Social, and Legal Sciences within the Doctoral School of the Romanian Academy. He was also the president of the General Association of Romanian Economists and a representative in the Council of the International Economic Association.

His scientific research career spanned 55 years of economic research, 20 of which were dedicated to research, development, and innovative economics, particularly in the areas of: the economic efficiency of technological change and innovation; the reform of the innovation system in Romania during the transition to a market economy; the impact of globalization, EU integration, and the knowledge-based society, focusing on multi, inter, trans, and intradisciplinarity in economic sciences and research.

He was the coordinator and participant in ACE PHARE and other international research projects on research, development, and innovation topics, and the author and co-author of numerous works, studies, articles, and books on innovation. Notable works include: "Restructuring Romania’s Education System Considering the Evolutions from Domestic Market Perspective and the Impact on RDI Progress," 2008, European Institute of Romania, Strategic and Policy Studies, 313 pages.

He contributed to the drafting of Romania's Research and Development Strategy for 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, as well as the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2030. He participated in national and international congresses and conferences, including the International Economic Association Congresses and was a member of the International Academic Scientific Committee in China - the CEE Institute.

Awards: numerous awards and excellence diplomas, Doctor Honoris Causa from several universities in Romania and the Romanian Academy.

May he rest in peace!
