17 September 2024

"Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation" is the theme for International Education Day 2021, proclaimed by UNESCO (United Nations) for the year 2021.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted education, as it has with many aspects of our lives. It has highlighted existing delays in education systems and created opportunities for development—making the need for updating and adapting the educational process evident.

Perhaps the most surprising finding from the OECD report, "The State of Higher Education – 1 Year of COVID-19 Pandemic," is how unprepared universities in most countries were for a rapid transition to online teaching. Although higher education makes significant contributions to research and advances in digital technology, technology often plays a limited role in the educational programs they offer. While major universities quickly replaced face-to-face activities with online sessions, difficulties arose due to insufficient time and a lack of experience in designing new formats for delivering and assessing knowledge.

Clearly, the COVID-19 crisis has stimulated an acceleration and deepening of digitalization in teaching and assessment. The benefits are real for all participants (students, teachers, employers)—adaptations to the educational process, internships, and adjustments to employment expectations in the professional environment.

In this context, the Financial Studies Institute will host the online event "International Education Day – in Finance" on Tuesday, October 5, starting at 11:00 AM.

The event will highlight the opportunities available to students in the financial services sector—vocational seminars, internships, and research possibilities.

Special guests for the event include:

  • Prof. Marian Siminică, Executive Director of ISF
  • Prof. Mihaela Onofrei, Vice-Rector of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași
  • Alexandru Ciuncan, General Director of UNSAR
  • Alexandra Bontaș, Head of Financial Monitoring and Education Service, ASF
  • Cătălin Câmpeanu, Deputy Director of ISF
  • Conf. Dr. Raluca Lădaru, Research Coordinator and Editor of Financial Studies Review, ISF
  • Conf. Dr. Laura Elly Naghi, Financial Education Coordinator, ISF


For more details, please send your messages to evenimente@isf.ro



ziue educatiei