20 September 2024

The Institute of Financial Studies, in partnership with the Romanian-American University in Bucharest, invites you on November 10, 2021, at 12:00 to the SmartFIN@ISF Vocational Improvement Seminar. The seminar includes interactive presentations on career topics, case studies, and technical and practical aspects in the fields of insurance, capital markets, and pensions.

Special Guests at the November 10 Session:

  • Prof. Univ. Dr. Marian SIMINICĂ, Executive Director of ISF and university professor at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, teaches courses in Economic and Financial Analysis and Financial Diagnosis of the company. He has extensive experience in university management, having served as Vice Dean (2008-2012) and Dean (2012-2016). He was also Vice President of the Board of the Romanian Association of Economic Faculties (2012-2016). He is a member of several professional associations, including ANEVAR, where he served as Secretary General (2016-2017), and is a member of CECCAR and CCFR. Since 2014, he has been Vice President of the Romanian Society of Economic and Financial Analysis (SRAEF). He has published 7 books and university textbooks, over 60 articles in specialized journals, and has participated in numerous national and international conferences. His main research areas include financial performance and business risks, sectoral economic-financial analyses, and business behavior research models.

  • Conf. Univ. Dr. Laura Elly NAGHI, Doctor in Finance - Insurance with over 15 years of experience in adult professional training. She completed postdoctoral studies at ASE Bucharest in insurance. She has published several books in the financial field, frequent BDI articles, and participates regularly in international conferences. She is an ANC authorized trainer with international certifications and has contributed to the development of professional training manuals specific to non-banking financial markets. She also gives presentations at financial market events, including financial education projects for students (middle and high school) and pre-university teachers.

  • Ștefan PRIGOREANU, CEO of Millenium Insurance Broker SA, has over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry in Romania. He is one of the few insurance specialists with relevant background and experience in both the regulation and supervision of the private pension system, as well as in martial arts, where he has honed his perseverance for over 25 years. As a lecturer and trainer leader at a major insurance training provider, he is well-informed about all specific legal requirements and changes brought about by European legislation.

  • Horia Braun-Erdei, Executive President (CEO) of Erste Asset Management Romania, is an experienced investment management professional with a 19-year career in the financial sector, including 5 years at the National Bank of Romania (macroeconomic modeling and forecasting), 6 years in managing private pension funds (where he managed the assets of the largest private pension fund in Romania), 3 years in the banking sector (as chief economist of the Romanian Commercial Bank), and 6 years in fund management.