20 September 2024

The Institute of Financial Studies, in partnership with "1 Decembrie 1918" University in Alba Iulia, invites you to the SmartFIN@ISF Vocational Training Seminar on November 15, 2021, at 10:00 AM. The seminar will include interactive presentations on career topics, case studies, and technical and practical aspects in the fields of insurance, capital markets, and pensions.

Special Guests for the Session on November 15:

Prof. Marian SIMINICĂ, Executive Director of ISF and professor at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, teaches courses in Economic-Financial Analysis and Financial Diagnosis of Firms and supervises doctoral candidates in Accounting. He has extensive experience in university management, having served as Deputy Dean (2008-2012) and Dean (2012-2016). He was also Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Economics Faculties in Romania (2012-2016). He is a member of several professional associations, including ANEVAR, where he served as Secretary General (2016-2017); a member of CECCAR; and a member of CCFR as a fiscal consultant. Since 2014, he has been Vice President of the Romanian Society for Economic-Financial Analysis (SRAEF). He is also a member of the CNATDCU Commission for "Economic Sciences and Business Administration" since 2017 and a member of the permanent expert commission of ARACIS since 2018. He has published seven books and university manuals and over 60 articles in specialized journals, including 12 articles indexed in Web of Science, and has participated in numerous national and international conferences. His research focuses on financial performance and enterprise risks, sectoral economic-financial analyses, and research models of business behavior.

Conf. univ. dr. Laura Elly NAGHI, Doctor in Finance - Insurance, has over 15 years of experience in adult professional training. She completed postdoctoral studies at ASE Bucharest in the field of insurance. She has published several books in finance, authored articles in indexed journals, and frequently participates in international conferences. An authorized ANC trainer with international certifications, she has contributed to the development of professional training manuals specific to non-banking financial markets and presents at financial market events, including financial education projects for students and pre-university teachers.

Adrian MARIN joined Generali in 1996 as an underwriter and has held numerous management positions within the company, gaining in-depth knowledge of key processes in the insurance sector. In 2008, he was appointed to the Management Board as Executive Director, and since 2011, he has been the CEO of Generali Romania. Since 2014, Mr. Marin has also served as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Generali Pensions. Due to his active involvement in the National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Romania, he was elected President in 2016.

Adrian SION has over 10 years of experience and extensive studies in Human Resources, Education and Client Relations. During this time, Adrian has interacted with over 20,000 Romanian candidates from both the country and abroad, serving as a speaker and facilitator at events such as JOB Networking, HR School, "Operational HR" Conference, RIUF, and Top Employers.