20 September 2024

The Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with Valahia University of Targoviste invites you on October 21, 2021, at 08:30, to the SmartFIN@ISF Vocational Improvement Seminar. The seminar includes interactive presentations on the subject of career and presentations of case studies, technical and practical aspects in the field of insurance, capital market, pensions. Special guests at the October 21 session:

  • PhD. Prof. Marian SIMINICĂ, Executive Director of ISF and PhD professor at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, teaches courses in Economic and Financial Analysis and Financial Diagnosis of the company and is a PhD supervisor in Accounting. He has a rich experience in university management, holding the position of Vice Dean of the Faculty (2008 - 2012), responsible for scientific research and quality assurance of education, as well as Dean, in 2012 - 2016. He was Vice President of the Board of the Association Romanian Faculties of Economics (2012-2016). He is a member of several professional associations in the economic field, respectively: expert evaluator ANEVAR, being General Secretary of the association in the period 2016-2017; expert accountant, CECCAR member; tax consultant, CCFR member. Since 2014 he is Vice President of the Romanian Society of Economic - Financial Analysis (SRAEF). Since 2017 he is a member of the CNATDCU Commission "Economic Sciences and Business Administration", and since 2018 a member of the Commission of permanent experts ARACIS, contributing to the external evaluation of numerous undergraduate and master's degree programs in economics. He has extensive experience in scientific research materialized in the publication of 7 books and university textbooks, over 60 articles in specialized journals, including 12 articles in journals indexed Web of Science with nonzero AIS, participation in national and international conferences, participation in scientific research contracts as a grant director or member of the research team. He is a reviewer for several Web of Science indexed journals and a member of the editorial board for several indexed journals in International Databases. The main research directions are: financial performance and business risks; sectoral economic-financial analyzes; business behavior research models.
  • PhD. Assoc. Prof. Laura Elly NAGHI, doctor in the field of Finance - Insurance with an experience of over 15 years in the field of professional training of adults. She completed postdoctoral studies at ASE Bucharest in the field of insurance. She has several books published in the financial field, BDI articles and participations in international conferences frequently. ANC authorized trainer, with international certifications, participated in the elaboration of professional training manuals specific to non-banking financial markets. She gives presentations at events organized in the financial market, including financial education projects among students (middle school, high school) and pre-university teachers.
  • Alexandru CIUNCAN, UNSAR Director General, has over 18 years of experience in the field of insurance and private pensions in Central and Eastern Europe, with expertise especially in the area of ​​business conduct, regulation, consumer protection, media and financial journalism. Starting with September 2018, Alexandru holds the position of General Director of UNSAR - National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania, and since August 2019 he is a Member of the Board of Directors of ISF-Institute of Financial Studies. Between 2013 and 2018, Alexandru was member of IRSG and OPSG, the two groups of Stakeholders within EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisory Authority, participating in the elaboration and debate of legislative acts with long-term impact on the insurance and private pension industries. At the same time, he held the positions of Secretary General of APPA - Association for Insurance Promotion - the NGO that developed the first national consumer information and education campaigns - and Managing Partner of XPRIMM, a Romanian media company specialized in the insurance industry. EEC and SEE. Alexandru CIUNCAN attended the Faculty of Management within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, holds a Professional Certificate in Management (OPEN University Business School, UK) and is licensed PMP-Project Management Professional and ACP-Agile Certified Professional (Project Management Institute, USA).
  • Horia Braun-Erdei is the Executive President (CEO) of Erste Asset Management Romania. An experienced professional in investment management, with a career of 19 years in the financial sector, of which 5 in the National Bank of Romania (macroeconomic modeling and forecasting), 6 in the field of private pension funds management (he managed the assets of the largest private pension fund in Romania), 3 in the banking field (he held the position of chief economist of the Romanian Commercial Bank) and 6 in the fund management segment.
  • Roxana BĂLUȚĂ is a Program Coordinator and Life and Health Insurance Specialist at UNSAR - the National Union of Insurance and Reinsurance Companies in Romania and has a career of over 15 years in insurance, of which 8 years of extensive experience in remodeling and improving operational processes, and also in the development of insurance products. Prior to joining the insurers' professional association, Roxana was responsible for project management at one of the most well-known companies in the industry. Currently, Roxana manages several programs within UNSAR, coordinating at the same time the activity of the Marketing, Communication and PR group, of the Digitalization and Innovation group, but also of the Life and Health Insurance Section.