19 July 2021

SmartFIN Vocational Training Seminar and Academic Laboratory at the University of the Lower Danube in Galați - April 20, 2021

The Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with the University of the Lower Danube in Galați invites you on April 20, 2021, at 12:00 to the SmartFIN@ISF Vocational Improvement Seminar - Academic Laboratory. The ...
19 July 2021

SmartFIN Vocational Training Seminar and Academic Laboratory at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest - April 7, 2021

  The Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with the Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest invites you on April 7, 2021, at 14:00, to the Vocational Improvement Seminar SmartFIN @ ISF - Academic Laborator...
19 July 2021

SmartFIN Vocational Training Seminar and Academic Laboratory at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest - April 15, 2021

The Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest invites you on April 15, 2021, at 15:30 to the SmartFIN @ ISF Vocational Training Seminar - Academic Laboratory. The...